What did we think was going to happen ? BAU!!

Since we claim we are so politically aware these days, what I ask is “ has anyone looked at Biden’s cabinet?? He has a very interesting cabinet, we as black people failed to look into the background or should I say “background” of Joe Biden, right now we don’t care, all we care about is we voted for someone that makes us “feel good”. We as black people have completely forgotten about the election and its consequences. Let us not forget, Joe Biden supported America’s longest war, ( invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan) and also supported the myth of Weapons of Mass destruction, from what I have seen so far, I don’t expect a lot of people to know about it,  a lot did not know about Biden’s 47-year racist history.

So far he has nominated 6 people,  but let us look at one name, in particular,  Anthony Blinken has been picked for Secretary of STATE.  He was the deputy secretary of state under Hillary Clinton and a national security adviser to Joe Biden, does anyone remember the Benghazi scandal? The invasion of Libya, that actually made Libya a slave market?? Just recently Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina was a little upset with Joe Biden for not nominating more black people, well what did he think was going to happen?  Doesn’t his cabinet look like Trump’s cabinet?  One black person and the rest white ??  yet we claim the democrats love black people so they will give “things” to us freely, but what am I saying, if we can forgive Joe Biden for years of racism, even for supporting the southern manifesto?  We can forgive anyone, I’m sure we have some form of forgiveness stored just in case he does something wrong.  Hopefully, we as black people shall become more politically aware, not just give it lip service.

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