More often than not we do not understand how the word became this way or should I say we don’t research hard enough to find out the history of the world. I’m not here to say how we should pull ourselves up by our bootstraps (That is an almost impossible pose). I’m saying that when everything is handed to us , we tend to get lazy which goes to the saying ,”great people don’t come from great homes”. Another saying that got to me is “The poorest families make the richest children”. This saying tends to be true, because generally poor parents don’t want their children to go through what they went through as kids, so they had everything to they children on a silver platter. As to the initial saying there is a word missing there, that word often is what has shaped society regardless of what one is doing , that word is discipline. Discipline defines a strong man, ill mention a few groups that live by this very code, the Army for one , secret service agents, discipline is very important in our journey of life and it seem we lost it. Most of these organizations that I’m mentioning , it is their discipline that makes them stand out, from the suits, to their attention to detail etc. All this takes discipline, both mental and physical discipline. We have young boys who want to play in the NBA but lack the discipline to do it because they think it is all fun and games.
In Short if we become strong men, we should be careful enough not to create easy times, for the next generation. Rich or poor we should teach self discipline more than anything else, for with that , we know the next generation can survive anywhere, pastors will tell you, it takes discipline to pray every day and it takes much more discipline to fast and pray, it takes discipline to be an orator, to talk to people, and sportsmen will tell you the same , some boxers are addicted to the training lifestyle so much that they still live by that “code. Mike Tyson came back into the ring at 50 something years old, at the end of the day purpose is not what you attain, or achieve it is who you are!