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Would you buy gas for $2.38 ??? Do you feel it ????

Looks like the racist who has been destroying our country is out of office, even though we keep hearing his name and the January 6th events. 

The sad thing is that people won’t admit that they voted their emotions and fell for the “feel good’ politics democrats tell us all the time, they won’t admit they didn’t like Trump as a Character and not his policies, fun fact when Trump was in office, gas prices were a lot lower, try $2.38 (This was the national average).  I got to give it to Joe, his pretending worked,  if people didn’t vote their emotions, if they did their homework and research, they would have found out that Biden’s racism was and is well documented.

Funny on the Jimmy Kimmel show, he said they have done a lot of great things but they just don’t know how to tell us. He still got away with this on national TV, he openly insulted the intelligence of the audience by saying, ” Oh we have done a lot of great things, we just need to communicate it better, ” Like saying we just have to simplify the language, you know you are not as smart as we are to understand what we have done “.

On that same show, he talked about a  lot more biracial couples on TV, he actually listed that as one of his achievements. I guess by his standards everything is fine!!!! Never mind gas, food, etc. Oh, don’t forget, if you want to drive for free, get an electric car!.

The Concept of inflation is a complex one and many don’t grasp that concept very well. This is why they can blame everything and everyone else with a straight face on national TV and get away with it.  I don’t want to bore you with the mathematical concept of inflation but what they are telling us is not true. Gas prices started going up before the war in Ukraine. Many economists predict a recession is just around the corner. Things are not looking good!!!!!!

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