Have you heard this term before ?? gentrification ?? It is another vague term being used by everyone, no explanation given, its the “us” against “them” story, or situation. The other term is group economics just or economics, then it stops there. Black people don’t seem to understand the value system. The most important thing we as black people should learn about economics is the value system. Any event that happens, the first question we should ask, who is benefiting from this financially?? ( credit) then we also should ask, who is loosing financially ( debt). I can tell you for sure, someone will make money from whatever happens and someone will lose money from it…
When it comes to wealth and money, it is a credit and debt game. People can scream economics all day, Personally I think we should be more interested in accounting and accountability, which is one and the same for me. Economics is like going to church, we hear the same thing being repeated every single Sunday but nothing really changes. And the church is about people begging God to give them something they think they deserve, husbands/wives, the big break, ETC.
Now let us look at the value system, Value means the worth of something if anything is devalued it loses its worth. Crime is one of the ways a neighborhood can be devalued, which is why if the crime is attached to a particular culture, the area or neighborhood can never gain worthiness or revalued.
I learned about this when I first saw a movie, called Police Academy 6, City under siege, it was released in 1989, but it talks about the times of today and what we are going through . in this movie, people in high places orchestrated a series of crimes in a chosen neighborhood, in order to devalue the neighborhood so the mastermind can buy it cheaply. It took the police a while to figure that out.
As black people, we like to talk about Gentrification. If anyone looks at gentrification or type it into a search engine, one of the definitions is as follows, “ the process of renovation and IMPROVING a house or a district so that it conforms to middle-class standard or taste” I don’t have to tell anyone that just by definition alone, gentrification is based on the value system.
People are looting and stealing from small businesses, automatically the whole neighborhood loses value, just by crime alone. Now the vultures can come in and buy property, cheap, then they fix it up, Ahh there is the beautiful word Gentrification. However, no one talks about, how the people who live in the neighborhood gentrified themselves. They don’t understand the cause and effect theory.!
This is why we as black people should be careful about crime. We should understand our culture and behavior give value to our neighborhood or takes value away from the same neighborhood.
When we talk about economics we usually talk about economic and gentrification, no one ever talks about how these things are orchestrated so we can devalue our own neighborhoods. We should have pride and take care of our neighborhoods so that we bring value to our neighborhoods. We already know that the public school system is funded by property taxes, so the schools depend on how much value we put into them.
We can turn our neighborhood around with good leadership someone who has the technical know-how, let us understand the dangers of self-gentrification, which will happen because of looting, and the recent rioting!