Herman Talmage – Self Equanimity http://selfequanimity.com Current Affairs Mon, 09 Nov 2020 16:11:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://i0.wp.com/selfequanimity.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/SE-Copy.png?fit=32%2C32 Herman Talmage – Self Equanimity http://selfequanimity.com 32 32 176655959 Worse President in History???? http://selfequanimity.com/worse-president-in-history/ http://selfequanimity.com/worse-president-in-history/#respond Sun, 08 Nov 2020 06:57:53 +0000 http://selfequanimity.com/?p=1064 2020 has certainly been an interesting year, dealing with shut down’s, the pandemic, among others,  but for the last 4 years we have had a very rocky presidency, the most interesting thing about all this is that people seem to forget a lot, and forget it quick to the convenience of the media, that can easily spin things around to make it look any way they want. I do remember when I ask people about  President Obama and what he has done, what is legacy is, ( Usually from black people), the answer I  usually receive is, “Oh president Obama’s hands were tied, he couldn’t do too much because he had distractions and was blocked from congress to the senate, yet the same people have conveniently overlooked the fact that over $30 Million dollars were spent for an investigation that wasn’t even true on president Trump. (Talk about tied hands huh, Mind you this is money that could have been used for better things) Today the media has projected a win for Joe Biden,  and to this day I’m amazed at how many people don’t know about his 47-year history in public office and who his friends were. Then when I tell them his record which are facts, by the way, most say Oh, he might have changed, etc, so then I ask, is it hate for Trump or love for Biden, which is it? because I cannot believe that people can be so forgiving,  there are people in prison right now who were put there because of the 1994 crime Bill, even his own Vice president (ELECT) had a problem with him and his history of hanging out with white supremacists. Mind you these were known White supremacists. Some of who freely used the N-Word on TV and some of who he eulogized.  Some of these people are,

John C Stennis,

George Wallace,

Herman Talmage,

James Eastland,

Jesse Helms,

Robert Byrd,

Strom Thurmond

 Very interesting to note that, though Donald Trump has said a few things that may seem to be racist, we have undeniable proof that Joe Biden actually hangs out with racist and actually worked on a few bills with them these bills goes against the interest of Black people.  Somehow we can be so forgiving about this just because we don’t like the other guy. The architect of systemic racism is the one telling us he is going to solve that problem. Everyone should be able to research these men,  it may interest people to know that Strom Thurmond,  was openly against the Civil rights act of 1957, and he filibustered the passage of the ACT, this man hated civil rights so much that he holds the record of the longest filibuster by a single person in US history,a record that still stands today, (17 years after his death). This is Joe Biden’s friend, when asked by Charlamagne the god, what he had done for black people, he said he voted to extend acts rights, no one asked why the voting rights act is not permanent?????

The same media machine that got into full gear during the 4-year term of Donald Trump has handpicked a few politicians who repeated the talking point of Trump being the most dangerous and worst president this country has ever had. When I personally heard this I was sure no black person would support such a statement, boy was I wrong, I was amazed and appalled at the same time that black people actually supported this statement when 12 presidents actually owned slaves, some of who got their first slave when they were less than 15 years old. (Value they put on a black life) what could be worse than this, but we forgive easily don’t we?

Some of these presidents were

William Henry Harrison,

John Tyler,  

George Washington,

James Madison,

James Monroe,

Andrew Jackson,

Andrew Johnson

Ulysses S Grant,

Zachary Taylor,

 Martin Van Buren,

 James Polk,

Thomas Jefferson

These facts can easily be researched, The political system however can count on the fact that most people won’t do this thing we call research. If anyone believes that the media is not into the business of telling people what to think, they need not go far, all they have to do is look at the year 2020.




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