The Truth about black people and the Republican party
The republican party has been demonized in recent years, especially in the black community. There is a myth going around saying that the republican party is for the rich and the Democratic party is for the poor. If you ask me it is almost as if black people love being poor, we have had prominent black people who are republicans, yet these men are not mentioned in our everyday lives. We as black people don’t engage in any type of civics but yet we like to be emotional and somehow throw away a lot of history. When studying civics, we can’t ignore historical facts, but we have this “feel good” history being repeated to us and we turn around and repeat it to our children. The Martin Luther Kings, The Rosa Parks, and that is that. I’m not taking anything away from them, and no disrespect to any of them but we are only telling one part of the story.
Few people actually know that the Republican party was founded by 150 black men and 20 whites in Houston Texas. The first 42 legislators elected in the state of Texas were black and republican. The First 112 Black legislators in the state of Mississippi were not only black but Republicans. 190 legislators elected in South Carolina were black and Republican.
In 1866 the Democrats started the Klu Klux Klan, and their purpose was to put white supremacists in power, so they killed blacks and even killed white people who did not support their idea.
Many know of civil rights just in the 1960s. The Civil rights act has remained on the books for a 100 years, the first one was in 1866 which declared all male persons born in the US as citizens, so this actually enable black men to vote in the 1800’s, funny enough, this is the same year they started the KKK because the black man has finally gained the right to vote and this was just after slavery, it is a myth that black people weren’t voting before the 1960s.
When white racist people were fed up with the advancement black people were making and not just black people, people of all races during those times, the party of the KKK, gathered armed men and overthrew the government of Wilmington North Carolina, and put in their own racist government. Mind you this was the Democratic party.
Questions should be what happened???? People like to say there was a switch, but they can’t explain what that switch was, they claim that somehow, the party switched people. What I think is that the truth has been hidden from black people for a long time. This is to the point were we demonize our heroes should they be republicans, someone like Dr. Ben Carson, who is a record-breaking Neurosurgeon, and Herman Cain, who was a mathematician, and former chair of the Kansas Federal reserve. These two happen to be Republicans so we forget their deeds and see them as Uncle Tom’s or sell-outs. Just because they are Republicans.
I was writing this when Herman Cain was still alive, May he REST IN PEACE!