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The Message

Interesting isn’t it ?? Vax that thang up??? Really??? How are people not offended??? I  keep looking at this over and over again as black people we should stand up and say this is unacceptable. Sex and Rachet behavior is not the only thing we understand. Every now and then they view black people as a group of people who just understand and respond to the basic human instinct, not intelligence!. Guys, there are 7 Billion people on the planet, we are not the only ones who procreate, the porn industry was started by white people…but they know when to be serious, you haven’t seen vaccination ads on pornhub have you?? look at the population of China and India, but it is a problem when “they” try to make it as if all we do is use our bodies(especially women) and can’t think things through. 

In no way am I against Vaccination, but as black people, we are already skeptical about vaccination, since our trust was betrayed some years ago. (Tuskegee). “They” should be doing a better job to try and convince us about these vaccines,  the science, the math, etc… not in a rap video and make it seem as if the only way the black man will listen to what is being said is when there is a naked girl saying it.  On the other hand, I don’t think black people are that simple-minded to the point that the only thing we are, are baby-making machines,  if you listen to the lyrics, it is promising sex only after vaccination, How can the word diversity be thrown around so much but then we are seen as a monolith????  this is insane.  “They” make it seem as if all we care about is “hooking” up.  This is an insult !! Lil Wayne might have made a very good decision not to show up in this video……


They did that with the election anyone remembers “Get your booty to the polls”??? They told the same story!!!!!!  and there was no outrage, yet still, again there is no outrage about this….. this is sickening!!!!!

To all my fans .. let me ask you this?  Juvenile or Dr. Carson, Who would you listen to, in terms of knowing the subject at hand????


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