Johnathan Greene – Self Equanimity Current Affairs Tue, 15 Mar 2022 14:34:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Johnathan Greene – Self Equanimity 32 32 176655959 It is all Mathematics and Numbers , Our CREDIT SCORE Thu, 03 Sep 2020 06:40:47 +0000


This is a very important post.  it affects most people on all levels, not to mention the black community more than it affects everyone. CREDIT, what is it,  and how does it affect us.

   Let us go back to history, in the ’30s, ’40s and 50’s extending credit was a different game,  other methods were used to judge an individual and their creditworthiness. The officers at the bank used their own judgment to extend credit to individuals.  Therefore if someone “liked” you as an individual they can extend credit, and if they don’t “like” you, well we know how that goes.

Two men named Bill Fair ( An Engineer) and Earl Isaac ( A mathematician) came up with an idea to solve the credit problem. These two men were broke,  but they came up with this amazing idea. This was the birth of FICO, Fair Isaac Corporation.  It is difficult to imagine that this company was founded with just $800.00, today it collects an estimated amount of  $932.17 million in revenue.

 Most people think that the credit score system, or FICO, is based on the law rather than mathematics, here we have two mathematicians actually started the company. Mathematics play more of a role in the credit system than the law does, unfortunately most people don’t like mathematics and find it useless. There is mathematics in everything we do.

 Today most calculations are automated. The insurance companies use an identical system, Both insurance companies and banks have Actuaries, so they already calculated credit risk. There is also this notion of people thinking they can just spend and get away with it, which is not possible. 

The first step in “fixing” credit ( as some people may call it) is behavior change. What the credit score system revealed the most is the spending habits of people in different demographics. The second step I will say is account for your spending like an accountant.

This is what the credit system entails.

30% Amount owed

10% New Credit

15%  Length of Credit History

10 % Credit Mix

35% Payment History

People are more concerned about increasing their credit score instead of changing the spending habits, if we can change our spending habits, we can automatically increase or credit score. Don’t get me wrong FICO isn’t perfect,  I think the unfairness comes on the part of the companies that report individuals, this is the part where the legal system comes in but must be done with evidence which is not difficult to obtain if one is serious about their finances, but when one is mathematically inclined almost inevitably comes to the conclusion that something isn’t right, therefore might not need the law to help “fix” their credit.  WE need to take mathematics more seriously, all other things might be added. It is the back bone to everything!!!

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Economics & Systemic Racism Sat, 27 Jun 2020 04:14:39 +0000


When I think of economics, I think about poverty, and how to eradicate it. Do we really understand economics,? Do we understand the economic system we live under? In order to understand it, we must first get somethings right correct. In the wake of police brutality, capitalism seems to be demonized, some will go further to say, it is one of the root causes for all this, for those who say that the system is racist, I think they keep looking at the wrong place or simply just think the police somehow invented systemic racism. They have forgotten to look at one place which is economics, the riot and looting had one hidden reason. POVERTY!!  How will taking a TV, stop systemic racism? but we saw it happen over and over again,  it is all about poverty.  What brings about Economic prosperity,?  Well, the answer is simple Productivity, So what we earn should be proportional to our productivity. Capitalism gives us the chance to make as much as we want.  Productivity is at the core of economic prosperity. Every successful company sells something, be it a service or a product,  of course in economics, there is such a thing like cheap labor, etc, but we won’t get into that now, this is about understanding recent events and what led to them.

Capitalism is not the enemy, capitalism is actually the solution. Like Bono (the lead singer of U2) said, it has taken more people out of poverty than any other system.   The statistics prove it. Every culture at the point of prosperity has practiced some form of capitalism to sustain its prosperity. Even China did this.


One of the main issues of the system as a whole is that people confuse capitalism and democracy, and sometimes think they are the same. To be honest, and quite frankly I don’t think capitalism and democracy can actually work together. This is why America is a republic and not a democracy.  According to someone, democracy is nothing but mob rule, most powerful takes all, the majority takes all,  One of my favorite economists was Milton Friedman,  his take on the economic system was quite interesting,  he explores the hidden rules that make it quite impossible for upward mobility and he was spot on.

Thomas Sowell

Take the minimum wage, for example,  a lot of people are happy when the minimum wage is raised, that means more money right?

here is an interesting question, if the rich are bad, and they got rich by greed, and they own these companies, and somehow the rich supports an increase in the minimum wage,  why would people trust these same companies/rich? one thing people do not realize is that the minimum wage law itself restricted hiring!

Another economist who I deeply admire is Walter Williams, he is one of the best economic thinkers of our time. He was a professor of economics at Temple University. He is still alive today!!. He was against the minimum wage laws for the very reason I’m stating,  he made the argument about South Africa, which was true,  he said ” in south Africa Unions were more honest,  they said they supported minimum wage laws with pay equality to protect white jobs.

Walter E Williams

Another economist that I admire and respect who himself is a friend of Walter Williams is Thomas Sowell.  he agrees with the point I’m making here.

A higher minimum wage leads to unemployment,   is it any mystery that companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Walmart, support the increase in the minimum wage, ????   I wouldn’t think they support it because they had a change of heart!!!

let us go into a little history,

the minimum wage laws were introduced by FDR,  which he raised twice during his presidency, then we have a few presidents who raised it,  it is also no mystery that democrats raised the minimum wage more than republicans did. Jimmy Carter actually raised it 4 times.

Interesting FACT,  Ronald Reagan, never raise the minimum wage,  so is it any mystery that during his time in office which was from 1982 to 1989, there was a massive economic boom,  unemployment fell to record lows, According to the NY Times,  “Never have there been so many jobs created during a comparable time period”… Everyone after Reagan raised the minimum wage at least once.  it’s interesting how people trust Bernie Sanders who said he would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and he called that a living wage, No one asked him about that, no one told him how he was actually lying to us, I think it is time we start learning about basic economics and the math that governs it,  this way we will be well equipped to ask our politicians the tough questions, the questions that will require them to think on their feet.

Ronald Reagan

Another point, big corporations, and unions all support the minimum wage because they can afford to pay higher wages,  but a lot of small businesses will go out of business and kill the competition.

According to Milton Friedman,  the” minimum wage is the most anti negro law on the books” Sad thing is that we can’t see that, we support it because it gives us a little, a minimum wage is a form of welfare, where they give you just enough to get by day by day but not enough to make a difference in your life, also we trade our time for dollars, not by the amount of productivity.

The declared purpose of the minimum wage was to keep everyone out of the labor force, and all this by the way can be found in the Davis-Bacon ACT.

The minimum wage in itself is discriminatory, just by design alone, back then it was a “black” and “white” thing,  now is a rich and poor thing, minimum wage by its very design favors the upper class, whoever may be there.

To end this, I’m sure people will say, without the minimum wage, companies, and employees will pay people as little as possible,  to which I say to them it is true that is in their best interest to pay as little as possible, but then it is productivity that drives prosperity not a set amount

According to Walter Williams ( whom I agree with ), One of the few ways to look at the minimum wage is through the eyes on an employer,  The lower skill people won’t get jobs because employers won’t hire them, but if the employer could pay them less, they might have “on the job” training for them, then they could acquire skills that attract better pay through negotiations !!.  There is a book called South Africa’s War against Capitalism,  a book by Walter Williams, and that book he provides the evidence that Racist Unions in South Africa, who didn’t have a black member were the supporters of the minimum wage for blacks, they said if the wages are made high enough employers will high white workers and not black.  So it’s a win-win situation for them, either minimum wage brings a lot of cheap labor or makes sure a certain group of people leaves the labor force or never enter in the first place if we want to find out where systemic racism is really hiding, let us take a look at economics, not the police.

“The minimum wage law is the most anti negro law on the books “ -Milton Friedman

“The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites”- Thomas Sowell

“The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best”-Thomas Sowell

“People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything”-Thomas Sowell

“Democracy and liberty are not the same. Democracy is little more than mob rule, while liberty refers to the sovereignty of the individual.”
― Walter E. Williams

“Discrimination is simply an act of choice. Scarcity requires us to choose; scarcity is the cause of discrimination!”― Walter E. Williams

“But let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you – and why?”
― Walter E. Williams

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Police Brutality or systemic racism? Thu, 18 Jun 2020 05:49:29 +0000 This is an interesting topic, according to popular opinion or belief, systemic racism and police brutality go hand in hand, but do they really???  Would everything be better if “WE” as black people were policing our own neighborhoods?  In Washington DC most police officers are black, but they still have cases of police brutality, I don’t think as a society we can fight systemic racism through the police department. Are police racist sometimes, YES, but there are racist elements in all aspects of our society.

I will define police brutality as the unnecessary use of deadly force, while systemic racism is a belief in racial superiority thereby creating a system that allows individuals of a particular race to always get ahead.  To me, the two are not interchangeable. this is why I believe that the whole protest was a fallacy or an excuse to riot, and get stuff for free.  Let’s look at some alarming statistics since there is almost no outcry for black on black crime and killing.

  • Blacks are only 13% of the population
  • 50% of all homicide victims are black
  • This means 3% commits 50 % of the nation’s homicides

Black lives are supposed to matter but there were no marches, no outrage, nothing at all, Anything passed 50 % is too much. Black lives matter only when “we,” say it does,  and we can say its system racism, and people will just believe it.

Freddie Gray
Freddie Gray

This is how to debunk systemic racism, we should look at a particular area,  and look at how many black people are in positions of power and authority in that area,  basic math works, accountability works.  If there are more black people in positions of power in that area, it is not systemic racism, just like in the case of Freddie Gray in Baltimore,  to start with that case, what were the people protesting? police brutality or systemic racism?  Systemic racism is not possible because in Baltimore most people who are in positions of power, ( especially at that time) were black. 3 of the officers who were accused and even the state attorney was black, not to mention that happened under a black president, it cant be police brutality,

Barack Obama

In the case of Sean Bell, 2 of the police officer were black.  I’m not saying that these killings are justified, I’m saying that it couldn’t be systemic racism when people in authority were black,  I’m sure there will be people who will say hey, well Trump is a racist and he doesn’t really want to do anything about it, well here is the thing though if that was true, all the officers would have been prosecuted under a black president, it didn’t happen.

Sean Bell

What about child support though, isn’t it systemic discrimination against men ???  The numbers are very disturbing.  This is very quiet but child support. if you are behind on child support, you might end up in jail, they may take your drivers license, etc,  That has crippled that black community for years, yet no one talk about that, if black lives really matter, look at the way we are throwing the system at ourselves. We are the first ones to call the system when we have a problem.  It is funny that today we are talking about defunding the police.

Police Brutality and systemic racism are catchphrases that the media uses to get people to act a certain way. I don’t think we as people should pay attention to that, the media is in business to make money, so they will benefit from this. I think we need more practical ideas and not catchphrases. If we do catchphrases we won’t be able to solve anything.

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Both sides of the issue “ you live to fight another day” Tue, 16 Jun 2020 05:44:47 +0000 Just two days ago, another black man lost his life, just because he had an encounter with the police.  Not too long ago George Floyd lost his life. What do I think about this ?? I’m not too sure because this is a death that could have been avoided. The story was he was parked in a drive-through lane and was sleep in his car. Police were called and that led to his death(which shouldn’t be the case)

I understand the issue from both sides. This is where I think the police need extra training.  How is it that the 2 police officers could not restrain one unarmed black man? They had to shoot him???  from what I understand they tried to tase him, we all saw how that ended up, he took the taser from one of the officers and attempted to use it on the officer.  Not too many people can think on their feet in hostile situations. From the story they appeared to have everything under control, it is when they attempted to arrest him, that is when it all changed, and he managed to take the taser from one of the officers, and then the police ended using deadly force. They shot him twice in the back which means he attempted to run away

Rayshard Brooks

What they should have done was as soon as he attempted to get away or got away they have let him go, got the car towed from the drive-through, no one had to die, hence the title of this article, “ you live to fight another day”. He failed a breathalyzer test which means he was intoxicated, the interesting thing is that he was actually asleep, and not being a danger to everyone else and himself on the road, just because of that alone, I don’t think he should have lost his life

They could have tracked him down and arrested him later if that Is what needed to be done. From the footage, the police appeared scared,  and if a police officer is scared, of an unarmed man, he better find another profession, which is why I agree with the officers being fired. We all have fear in us but you can’t let fear control you especially in the line of duty. How we use fear is the difference no one is immune to fear.

In the case of that individual, I wonder what was going on in his head before he got drunk and got behind the wheel, moreover why would you park in a drive-through lane?  Why would anyone do this?

In recent times the police do not have a good reputation, they are now the scapegoat of whatever goes wrong in the nation, never mind the civilian deaths, black on black murder, and all. “Someone said” if you play a stupid game win a stupid prize”, this is not the time to test the police.

The family already got a lawyer and I smell a wrongful death suit coming,   According to multiple sources, Tyler Perry as offered to pay for the funeral of the individual, Rayshard Brooks. The police chief resigned, and those two officers were fired (rightfully so), they were not responsible with their weapons.

RJ Williams

Here is an officer who should still have a job, but they fired him anyway for not using deadly force, this is an officer who spotted mental issues from a mile away. In 2016 A black man by the name of RJ Williams who was suffering mental issues had a gun and wanted to commit suicide by police, Officer Stephen Mader had responded to a 911 call, and came face to face with this man, he drew his weapon and asked Mr. Williams to put his gun down, Mr. Williams said: “  I don’t want to, just shoot me “, officer Mader responded,” I’m not going to shoot you brother “ he clearly figured out that there was something wrong with this man, he tried to talk him out of it, well 2 other officers responding to the same 911 call came there and shot Mr. Williams,  here is the twist in this story officer Mader was actually fired for not shooting Mr. Williams, they said he was negligent and put the lives of his fellow officers at risk,  wow a police officer actually doing the right thing and he was fired for it. Still don’t think there are good police officers ??

Officer Stephen Mader
Officer Stephen Mader

I still don’t think defunding the police is the answer, li just think the police need extra training and follow this man’s example on how to spot situations like Mr. RJ Williams and learn to save lives,  but I also call for responsible citizenship.  We all should be responsible for our actions and should have no excuses at all. No one should attempt to take advantage of the situation at hand. This happens far too often. I think everyone was wrong in this situation, but sadly one person wouldn’t be around to correct his mistake, he is dead!




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A New ERA , cell phone activism equals do nothing activism Sat, 13 Jun 2020 17:46:59 +0000 When a society is more interested in what they are recording/filming on their cell phones rather than what is actually happening, I think we have reached a critical point where we can all agree there is a problem. These days a house in a neighborhood could be burning, people will gladly walk by and start filming instead of helping at least till the fire department gets there.

On May 25th, 2020, a man by the name of George Floyd was murdered by Police. Police arrested George Floyd for passing a fake $20.0 bill at the grocery store. According to the story told Floyd purchased cigarettes and was asked to return the Cigarettes the store called the police and that is when Floyd had an encounter with the Police.  An encounter that cost him his life. The police officer claims he was resisting arrest and so the officer pressed his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 mins and 46 seconds. The interesting part is that the whole incident was filmed on someone’s cell phone, thanks to new technology you may say, but people standing by were pleading with the Officer to at least stand-up, get off his neck, because Floyd was yelling out, “I can’t breathe”. He already had Floyd in handcuffs.

George Floyd

People did nothing but film the incident, I’m not calling for an attack on the police, but they didn’t do anything, even didn’t call 911,  that could have saved his life. They did not call extra police, they just kept filming.  It seems in this day and age, because of our addiction to our cell phones and social media we have actually forgotten how to be responsible citizens.  If someone’s house was burning as I said before, we might have to help before the fire department gets there. In this era, people will be the first to film and then post it on social media before they even think about doing anything else.

Cell phones these days are becoming more and more sophisticated,  our lives are more and more connected to this device.  The integration of social media platforms and cell phones made it possible to have access to social media platforms 24 hours a day and even broadcast live in most cases. In this always “connected” world people will rather be a Facebook citizen, Instagram citizen, than a responsible one. we always pay attention to things like drug epidemics, suicides, but somehow we have left out social media addiction, which in itself is an epidemic. I’m just an individual writing an article, but if this is not true, then why do we have social media addiction centers?? During Floyd’s incident, people were standing by for 8,  that is enough to save a life.  Paramedics would have told the officer to move, so they can administer first aid…….

Then followed waves of protest, all across the nation, it even went international. Another interesting fact, the same thing happened over and over again during the protest, riots, and looting. People went with their cell phones, filmed themselves at the protest, some even started broadcasting live, ( narcissism at its best). Some stood in front of the police officers, provoking them, and trying to get a reaction while filming so they can get “content” for their social media platforms. It is almost as if the people protesting didn’t go there to protest but to get on social media and act as if they were actually there to protest. Of course, our “holy” celebrities don’t make it easier, they have people who follow them on social media religiously,

The ironic part of all this was people didn’t realize that they were making the same mistake which partially caused the death of Mr. Floyd, No one did anything but stand there and film. I’m not saying they should have attacked the police,(AGAIN) but something as little as calling 911 when he first shouted “ I  can’t breathe” may have saved his life.  An ex-officer David Dorn, lost his life while trying to protect a store, while he was bleeding to death someone was filming instead of calling 911, he wanted to be the first to capture the footage.

David Dorn

Cell phones are a necessity in today’s word, but it is out of control, it has become the most important thing in our lives. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the attention society, and the most important vehicle in this attention society are our smartphones. I will say this, like everything else moderation is the key, we have big corporations and social media companies who dissect and play with our emotions, the more addicted we are, the more money they make, it is in their best interest to keep us glued to our phones. This is a point where we as a society should pause and say “ this is getting out of hand, and we must do something about it”. The police are human beings too, so we can’t expect every police officer to be perfect, or even good,  what the INDIVIDUAL police did was wrong, he ended up killing a man, I don’t know what his intentions were, we leave that for the courts to decide and find out but at least at this man’s funeral,  it shouldn’t be all about police brutality,  it should also be about the mental health of which social media is a big part of. I don’t expect our politicians to do anything about it, they actually benefit from social media,  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called facebook a public health risk, of course after her campaign benefitted from its use.  I haven’t heard anything from the media about this issue.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Like I said before, moderation is the key, and let us give ourselves the chance to integrate responsible citizenry and social media, I’m just one man but I have started the conversation, hopefully, a few people will join in so we can get the ball rolling. This is a better idea than defunding the police. if we can do this to fast-food restaurants and push them to become more health-oriented, then we can also push these big corporations to address mental health and how addictive social media can be.


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Defund the Police ? Wed, 10 Jun 2020 07:43:34 +0000 Does anyone really think this is a good idea?  I don’t think so, defunding the police is a knee jerk reaction. To me the police is like security for the poor, you know the ones who can’t afford private security. Defunding the Police can’t be a good idea.  I know these days people don’t really like the Police. The question should be asked why are we defunding the police?? is it because of Police Brutality? Systemic racism?  Poverty? Or just an emotional reaction? If we defund the police where are those funds going? ( taxpayers money) , if it is police brutality, sure there is a problem there, retraining, police reform might help, a lot more can be done, the quota can be lifted so the police are not under pressure to make criminals out of innocent people/citizens.   If it is systemic racism then we have a confusing situation. Let us look at Washington DC for example, according to CBS up to 50% of the Police force in DC are black, but all the problems communities have with the Police were still present. Might I remind everyone that one of the Police officers who stood by and watched George Floyd as he was being killed was actually black? in the case of Sean Bell who was shot and killed in NY, some of the Police officers who opened fire on him were black. So it couldn’t be systemic racism, maybe there is a larger problem here. If it is poverty then the police are not the problem. I don’t need to comment on the hate part. Hate is an emotion, I can’t make a case for emotion.

We are all furious about what happened but defunding the Police is not the answer. Where are those funds going? More social programs???. What programs are those ?? Public schools are funded by property taxes. Let us talk about social programs for a second, does anyone remember some social programs that were supposed to benefit communities?  Like the war on poverty, war on drugs??. Should the money go towards more public housing?  I would say NO because that never solved the problem of poverty. It only gives people just enough to get buy but not enough for anything else.  Policing may need an overhaul, no one has even talked about what we would be replacing the police with.  It will be total chaos. Let us agree that if the Police hadn’t been around this protest/riot/looting the situation could have been far worse. The police do stand for something, in some states the police were actually kneeling with the protesters, So most  Police officers know what happened was wrong but it doesn’t happen every day, and we know this. I  would advocate for Police overhaul not getting rid of it entirely.

Some also make the argument that the history of Police started with slave patrols, they use this as evidence of systemic racism well. We cannot deny that there are racist elements within the police force. The police were used in the past for racist purposes. The police are not ALL BAD.(one thing we must remember)

Let us not also forget that we are in a recession to some families being a Police officer is their major source of income .if we defund the Police we are taking jobs away from people and that is not right. Like the case of David Dorn, he was a retired Police officer and was killed trying to protect a store from looters, let us not forget that so many Police officers have also died in the line of duty. And they deserve our respect and 1-minute silence

Another fun fact,  70% of income taxes are paid by men yet most social programs in social services are for women, which brings me to this point. Most police brutality victims are men, Most suicides victims are men,  I think we should fight for men as much as we can. The police suffer too,  according to some news networks, 400 officers were injured due to this riot and two died, So far.

Do we like to say black lives matter??  here are a few black people who lost their lives, because of the protest and riots according to

David Dorn


Calvin L Horton JR, 43, he was shot near the police department, he was a Staff Sargent in the United States Army.

Dave Patrick Underwood 53, he was killed in California, he was a Service Protective Officer

Chris Beaty 38 was a football Player, 

Italia Kelly 22, shot while leaving the protest for George Floyd ( even though she wasn’t black, she died at a tender age of 22)

David Dorn, 77 Ex-police officer, got shot while protecting a store from looting

I’ll end with this, last year 9 unarmed black men were shot by the police vs 19 unarmed whites. You do the math, do we still need to defund the Police?


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Do you agree with Candace Owens? Tue, 09 Jun 2020 03:21:39 +0000 I watched her video on youTube about current events, and I must say she does have some points,  she said herself that, she Is ranting so what we have to do is to dissect what she is saying and then throw some analysis on it

Let us take a look I agree with her that our community which is the black community always uplifts the wrong people, it is almost as if our heroes are the ones who have gone against the “system”. We like to listen to our entertainers, and we glorify the people who are actually engaging in destructive behavior.  I also agree with her on the point that, once the officer was arrested for killing an unarmed man, all this should have stopped. That showed that someone sat down and said “ wait a minute” this isn’t right”. The looting doesn’t help anyone, we have actually ended gentrifying our own neighborhoods. We almost always turn around and say “ why can’t we have nice things like white people?” we forget that looting and breaking into stores doesn’t really hurt the business, the big businesses have cash on hand, and they have insurance,  after all this, they are going to pack up and leave because their insurance premiums might be too high for being in a high-risk neighborhood. Burning Target or any other big store doesn’t hurt them all.  Their CFO’s actually have a budget for these things.

Candace Owens


I also agree with what she said about  Derick Chavin, being a killer,  because of that, he is not being uplifted in the white communities.

Here is where I disagree with her,  she brought up George Floyd’s criminal record, and the mental state he was in during his arrest. My question to her would be So ???? His past doesn’t mean he should die like that or die by the hands of the law,  So to that point, I will say the fact that he wasn’t a good person in his community doesn’t mean he deserved to die. Actually, when Police officers found out he was high at the time of the “arrest” that was the more reason to handle him with extreme caution because he might not be responsible for his actions, his judgment would extremely be impaired. So him being intoxicated doesn’t mean he deserved to die. ( I can’t say that enough).

George Floyd

True he has a criminal record. He has done somethings that he shouldn’t have done, but the fact is he was murdered right in his own neighborhood, AND that is not right !!!. She is right that we go too far and only say good things about people who might not deserve it, but she is overlooking the fact that when someone dies, remembering the good things they do helps loved ones get some closure, he was still a human being and still had people who loved him.  I can’t say I agree with her, everyone has a good side and a bad side. The hypocrisy is the problem,  as black people, we love being hypocrites when it comes to things like this, it is almost as if we like to pretend we don’t kill each other on a daily basis.  I agree with the fact that she is calling out the hypocrisy. That being said it still doesn’t mean he deserved to die.  To me murder is murder. So black on black crime should get the same attention from black leaders, entertainers like George Floyd got. He has a gofundme set up that has almost $12 million and still going. Do you mean to tell me the death of this man has people pooling money together for one man ??? All in the name of Police Brutality???  We can’t do it for any other reason but tragedy?? My question is that didn’t police brutality exist before ??  Now we have our so-called entertainers, donating, setting up college funds, etc. Extreme virtual signaling!!

Let us do some math,  Oprah, Jay Z, Kanye West, Michael Jordan,  are all billionaires, they can actually put a college fund for a whole lot of kids, but that doesn’t happen,  I’m not asking them just to give money out, but it is just funny that they are doing that now.

Coming back to Candace, the criminal record doesn’t justify what happened to him.  The man shouldn’t have died at the hands of the law. The law was supposed to protect him in the first place. Let us be honest here if George Floyd had not died the way he did and just died at the hands of another black man, no one would have cared, its just another black man they will say.  She asked why are we pretending George Floyd was a good man?  Well here is where it gets a little tricky, if you go into his history, of course, he wasn’t a good man, but I have never seen the law take a record of someone’s “goodness”, it’s the bad things that one does, those are the things that are recorded.  George Floyd may have done some good things, but we might never know what those are because authorities are not interested in the good things people do. I think there is something larger at play here, for example, George Floyd knew that police officer, so why isn’t anyone talking about that?  they worked together for a year and no one is asking more questions about this.

She went on to say Police Brutality is a myth, well I disagree and agree at the same time if we are looking at the numbers alone it seems like a myth, secondly, if something appears on the news, just by default it means it doesn’t happen every day that is why it is on the news, example when killing became normal in the black neighborhoods, the media stopped reporting on the killings and murders because It became so normal that reporting on them will be a waste of time.  Most people cannot tell you, 5 people, who they know, who have been a victim of police brutality. Considering the fact that we are just  13% of the population. In fact, they are more likely to tell you about someone who they know, who got killed by another black person than killed by the police.

To end this I’ll ask, is everything happening really about Police Brutality, or is it about killing or about both, ?? If it is about Police Brutality then we have our priorities misplaced because that doesn’t happen as much as they would want us to believe, if it is about killing, then where is the outrage for David Dorn? David Dorn was a 77-year-old ex-police officer who was shot in cold blood by a black man while he was trying to protect a store from looters, you know the same looting that the death of George Floyd caused???  , I’m yet to see any protest and outrage about him. In fact, since he left behind 5 children and 10 grandchildren I think the Floyd family should donate some of the money they got from gofundme to Mr. Dorn’s family.  If this is a fight against systemic racism then they can join hands in solidarity can’t they ??? They got $12 Million, I stand corrected, they have broken gofundme donation record, it has surpassed $13 million, so what’s a million to this man’s family right ??? I doubt that will ever happen,  Minneapolis government just asked the federal government for $45 million, you know to help with all the damage, here is a strange idea, since everyone is claiming to stand in solidarity, everyone somehow cares about each other almost instantaneously,  the Floyd family can donate let’s say $2 million, they can even ask that the money is used to help those who lost their jobs due to this protest/riots/looting.  They can actually make provisions, so that police get nothing from their donation… Ha, once again I doubt that will ever happen. It is safe to say it was and will never be about George Floyd.

David Dorn

Speaking of gofundme Candace Owens put one up to raise funds for a Café in Birmingham,  Alabama, she got $200,000.00 Gofundme suspended her gofundme over her “opinion”!!!!



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